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The issue about the rising cost of education is not new for everyone, be it for rich people or for the those just barely earning a living.
However, this is not of so much of a threat for those who want to enter college but are not capable to meet its expenses. This is because of the two choices made available for them, first is the scholarship programs. And the second is the student loans. They may apply to either of the two.
Basically, the scholarship gives off monetary award which do not require the beneficiary to repay it. Unlike the student loan, the money that was lent to the students will be paid after some time with the corresponding amount plus interests.
Hence, it seems to be apparent that taking a scholarship program is more convenient than the student loan. Yet, you should know that both still consists of its advantages and disadvantages.
In scholarship, the students need not worry about finances throughout his college years. Almost thousands of scholarships are made available yearly. The systems of the programs depend on the financial needs of a certain student.
Although, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not intelligent because you were not be able to acquire a scholarship. There are various types of scholarship, one is for the intellectuals who acquire and maintain high grades. The other is the specific scholarships designed for the ones who excel in definite fields, for instance, in the field of sports, math, science, music, stage performers and others.
Those who belong in average I.Q. may still win a scholarship. They may not possess the remarkable level of intelligence to win a scholarship, but their talents may secure them one.
Moreover, there are also scholarships designed for certain races, minorities, and other sectors of the society that needs monetary support. And scholarship is not just confined to college students, the students who would want to pursue further study may also benefit.
There are also several institutions that offer scholarship programs to their members, examples of this are the religious organization and union groups, etc.
Now, if you think you won’t be legible for any scholarship, there is still one option — student loans.
Student loans, as mentioned above is the financial aid given to the students to pay their tuition with the agreement to repay it with the corresponding interests in a given period.
Scholarships do not require for repayment, but student loans do.
The advantage of a student loan is that it will give you freedom to move as a regular student, without the pressure of maintaining high grades and you can do your other activities without thinking of the conflict in the training schedules.
The hassle is when you would consider it, student loans need to be repaid the moment you graduate; you have to pay to the very last cent plus the interests.
If you are the bread winner of your family, paying for it will be another burden though you already have secured a job.
Anyhow, it will depend on you, the important thing is you finish your college education and secure a diploma, be it from a scholarship or through student loans.
The achievement of earning your college education amidst the hindrance of money is the thing you will always be proud of.
It's quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.
life,happiness,sorrow,confusion,solution,self help,inspiration,self harm,suicide
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It's quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.
There is an accepted lifecycle assigned to everyone and most of us seem to just fall into it and 'live' it out as if there was no alternative.
There are some truly disturbing statistics about people's lives, most of it relates to their financial status at retirement time but I won't scare you with that, you can research it by yourself if you have not heard it all before. But what is even more disturbing is the quality and 'purposeless-ness' of their lives which is difficult to measure or put into statistics, yet is all around us.
I don't want to point fingers at anyone, all you have to do is look around and you'll see what I mean. I often look at people with drug and alcohol problems or even history of selfharm, suicide. I think it is getting worse and I just couldn't help myself from wondering why that is.
I don't claim to know all the reasons for it or be an expert in this field, however, I have a keen eye and lived enough, both in years and experience, to have found some of the common reasons why that is and what some of the solutions might be to this problem.
But the way I see it, one of the biggest problems is this lack of purpose people find in their lives. The other is the lack of time or, for one reason or another, commitment to finding out about it.
It is not easy to stop and look at one's life and it is even more difficult to face up to the reasons why someone's life may have no purpose or is 'in a mess'. The lack of unbiased, friendly and in some cases anonymous help make this even more difficult. I haven't done any research (yet) on how good free, anonymous phone-in help lines are. But I would not be surprised if they were very, very busy. I say this because of a personal experience I had as a young university student.
I had some problems in my life and thought there was no one I could talk to. So, after some struggle within myself I decided to drop in at the university's own counseling service. I'd explained that I had some problems I really needed to discuss with someone. They started asking my name, address, what course I was attending etc, etc, etc. Two minutes into this 'conversation' I thought to myself "hang on, I don't want to be a statistic, I just need someone to talk to... now." It was hard enough to come up with the courage and come to a complete stranger and own up that I do have a problem that I don't think I can solve on my own and need some else's help, let alone being quizzed about things which should not really matter, not just now anyway.
So, I promptly turned around and left without saying much. I don't think they'd kept my record, need to keep the paperwork down, you know... Anyway, I got myself an ice cream, two scoops just to be on the safe side and had a loooong walk in the city churning over thoughts after thoughts in my head. It was one of the worst and best days of my life. The worst because I realized I was only a number at the university and I did not get the help I needed so very much and I also realised I did not have anyone close enough to talk to about my problems. And the best because in the long walk I'd allowed myself some 'time-out'. Allowed myself to stop and think about what was happening to me, why I was having the problems I was so desperately seeking solution to and why I felt so alone. I'd found time enough to clear my head and find the solution from within... I can't remember what route I took, where I ended up walking to. But I can clearly remember every thought I had on that day and this was more than 20 years ago...
Since then I've learnt to rely more on my own abilities and realised that all solutions have to come from within. You are the only person who knows everything about yourself and this makes you the only person qualified to find the right solution for your problems. Sometimes it seems easier to try and find someone to help you, in a sense put the responsibility on them. But to be as blunt as I can, you are the only person to whom your problems matters the most. It is good and you should discuss things with others, use as them as sounding boards, source for inspiration and encouragement but at the end of the day you have to solve your problems from within. You have to look at your life and find a direction and purpose for it.
There are many advantages to learning to play the electric guitar online. Let us look at some of them and see how they weigh up against traditional guitar lessons.
guitar, lessons, online, guitar lessons, online guitar, music, online guitar lessons
Article Body:
Learning to play guitar online is arguably the most effective guitar teaching method ever. The only thing missing is a live person in front of you during your lessons, and for some people the drawbacks outweigh the benefits. A real live guitar teacher exuding coolness and dexterity can be handy, but technology has most of the process of passing on musical knowledge and guitar technique covered. So are online guitar lessons for you? Let's look at the advantages of learning in cyberspace, the tools available to you, and the kinds of guitar lessons you will find online.
So why is it better to take online guitar lessons rather than sit in front of a live person? For a start it is much, much cheaper. There are courses that will cost you one hundred dollars or more. Find out how many real-world lessons you get for that price. I can tell you now, it's not too many. Also there's the travelling. Time and money spent just getting to your teacher. Do you really need the aggravation? As far as personal cost goes, online lessons work out to be much less expensive than your local guitar teacher. And you don't have to laugh at your online teacher's lame jokes!
What kind of help and learning materials will you expect from online guitar lessons? Nice clear videos showing you where to put your left hand fingers on the guitar neck and what to do with your right hand to make the music come out. We're talking videos you can play over and over again until you understand what your instructor is trying to pass on to you. Usually some kind of backing tracks are available with online lessons. These are accompaniment for you to test your guitar playing skills. Basically backing music gives you a way of testing your ability to keep time while giving you the opportunity to see how you would sound playing guitar with a real band. By the way, most online guitar courses come with basic tools like a metronome and maybe some written lessons you can print out for future use. Additionally, a lot of guitar courses include some way of asking questions and getting answers back from your guitar teachers.
When you sign up for guitar lessons online, you should be getting a broad musical education. You might have a fair idea of the kind of music you want to play, but online guitar lessons are an ideal method of showing you what is available to guitar players who want to learn more than one musical genre. So just bear in mind you should be able to get a taste of some of the music available to you like jazz, country, fingerstyle, blues, R&B, and so on. Along with a wide range of music, your guitar course should offer you depth of guitar playing experience. You need to learn what it feels like to accompany songs, play solos, and improvise. The best online guitar lessons will give you the opportunity to get this kind of experience.
Okay, so now you know the advantages of online guitar lessons and the materials and tools you should expect to be included in any set of lessons, you can examine any course a little more closely now from a more informed viewpoint.
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